МК торт "Единорог" -Unicorn cake tutorial
16.02.2015, 17:15
Регистрация: 28.01.2015
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МК торт "Единорог" -Unicorn cake tutorial
Огромная благодарность Seema Acharya за Мастер-класс
I used Chocolate cake and Vanilla cake with swiss meringue buttercream. For the structural support, I used a PVC pipe which is connected to a wooden board with Flange. The horn is made out of a mix of gumpaste and fondant and has a skewer inserted in it for support. Ears are again fondant and gumpaste mix. They have a floral wire in them for support.
The basic structure of the head is made out of Rice Krispy treat and then gave it a shape using modeling chocolate. The hair is made out modeling chocolate as well.
Eyes are black fondant. The horn and ears with were a day ahead so that they get enough time to set hard.
I made a two tier cakes, which was later carved. Then I covered it with fondant. Harness etc is made out of fondant and brushed with bronze and gold luster dust. I dabbed the hair with white color to get the highlights. Rest of the body was dusted with silver pearl dust.
Day 1:
Baking and cooling the cakes.
Built the structure.
Day 2:
Made SM Buttercream, stacked the cakes, and carved.
Made modeling Chocolate and Rice Krispy Treat.
Made the head using Rice Krispy treat.
Made the horn and ears.
Day 3: Covered the cake in fondant and decorated.
From start to finish, it took me 20hrs to complete this cake.
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