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Gumpaste Daylily Stamens

Название: stamen step 1.JPG
Просмотров: 12

Размер: 52.2 Кб I did an entry a while ago about quick gumpaste daylilies, which are faster to make because they use an abbreviated version of the center stamen. For those of you who want a more realistic stamen, this is the version that's a little more time-consuming, but more true-to-life.

For each stamen you'll need about 6 thin gauge floral wires about 4" long, 1 thicker piece of 5" floral wire, some type of gum or sticky "glue" such as gum glue or egg white, gumpaste, brown or yellow petal dust, and floral tape.

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Bend the end of the thin wires so that they look like a little foot. Dip the foot part of the wire into the gum glue, then into the petal dust. I'd put the petal dust into a separate container rather than dipping the stamens into the pot, since the gum glue could get mixed up into the petal dust and ruin it.Insert the dipped wires into a styrofoam block so that they can dry. This is another thing that you can make a bunch of at once, then just keep until you need them.The color of the stamens and the pistil vary by flower type, so you can make these in any color that are appropriate for your project.

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Next, take the thicker wire and attach about a 2" long sausage of gumpaste to it to make the pistil. Cut the tip of the sausage into thirds at the very tip, then flatten the three sections out and bend them back a little. You can either insert these into the styrofoam to dry also, or use them when they're still wet to wrap the stamens. Try both methods to see which one is easier for you. Some people find it easier to have a hard surface to wrap the stamens onto, but I'm too impatient so I use the center pistil as soon as I make it.
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Using floral tape, wrap the 6 stamens around the pistil. If the center pistil was soft, insert the entire piece into styrofoam to dry, otherwise you can store them for future use.
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