Cake Decorating Tutorials  (How To's) Tortas Paso a Paso

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Шоко декор на торт -Chocolate Decor tutorials

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По умолчанию Шоко декор на торт -Chocolate Decor tutorials

Огромная благодарность Автору mirrormirror за Мастер-класс

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Размер: 59.0 Кб Just in case your life was lacking a little chocolate right now (yes, I thought so) here are some pics from the afternoon we spent making chocolate desserts and truffles under the watchful eye of master chocolatier Jean-Pierre Meignaud at Patisserie Camp on Canoe Island.
It’s going to be the same drill as before, no real recipes, just descriptions and food porn a-plenty.
First get yourself a bowl of properly tempered chocolate, some Pralissimo hazelnut paste (this stuff is GOOD) and a box of chocolate breakfast cereal. Yes, truly, something like Cocoa Pops or Cocoa Krispies. I feel so much better now I know that fancy pants patissiers use this stuff too.

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Размер: 62.2 Кб
Carefully mix the ingredients together and then use a ring mould to form them into a crispy chocolate base. You’ve just made the world’s most sophisticated, and delicious, Rice Krispie cakes.
Then mix together some more melted, tempered chocolate with the hazelnut paste and fold it into some whipped cream. Pipe this chocolate mousse onto the crispy bases.

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Размер: 56.1 КбSo far so easy, n’est-ce pas? Unfortunately it gets trickier from here on in.
Next use a knife to ‘wipe’ petals of chocolate onto a sheet of acetate. The shape of your knife will dictate the shape of your petals. Place the sheet of acetate into a plastic ‘gutter’ (half a plastic tube) to bend the petals slightly. That just blew your mind didn’t it?

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Размер: 86.1 КбOr you could just swirl blobs of chocolate with your fingers.

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Размер: 57.9 КбOr comb out streaks of chocolate and again swirl them into grids.

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Размер: 63.6 КбIt was amazing watching Jean-Pierre do this stuff. He made it look incredibly quick and easy.

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Finally use your chocolate shapes to decorate your mousse cakes. Adding a little gold dusting powder as necessary.

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Размер: 121.3 Кб
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