МК лепка "Пасхальный зайчик" -Easter Bunnie Cake Topper Tutorial V1
29.03.2013, 16:16
Регистрация: 05.03.2013
Сообщений: 698
МК лепка "Пасхальный зайчик" -Easter Bunnie Cake Topper Tutorial V1
Огромная благодарность Автору Starry Delights за Мастер-класс
Colour you fondant in your choosen colour. I choose wilton Ivory.
Add some CMC/Tylose
I add by eye. Knead well
Take a chunk of you fondant and roll a ball.
Mould it to shape with your hands. I use kind of rolling acting between my palms
Insert your toothpick or spaghetty all the way to the dummy/sponge. Shape will distorte a little so i take the whole thing again and shape it back.
take white and roll a ball
squash it down
do the stripes
attach to the body
Roll anothe ball of ivory. This will be the head
See if it is good size for the body
Roll a little ball
Cut into two pieces
take one part as this will become the nose part
cut with your knife and define with one of you tools. Don'tuse this one(forgot to take it away) as it will make it flat. Use the wedge one where you cut in the middle
attach to head
this is the tool you use to define the cut you made at the previous photo. using this tool make a triangle indentation for the nose
roll a tiny ball of pink
place it in its place
now we are going to do the mouth
push in under the nose and gently pull the bottom lip out
aha! now we define the bottomlip. place just under and press lightly. do the same the other way
press gently
there we goes a cute bottom lip
do the other side too
now roll some fondant and cut 2 ovals
chopped the ends
make indentations for those oval bits. can use your ball tool too
29.03.2013, 16:29
Регистрация: 05.03.2013
Сообщений: 698
had to enlarge a bit more
glue to the head(i use sugar glue
my wedge tool again! i pressed lightly in where the edge isto define littl bitof cheek
do both sides
indent those bits so we can add the eyes
roll your white fondant! i don't know why i am showing you this lol
cut your eyes. I do this by eye. Make sure you get both almost same size lol
shape with your hands
glue them onto the face
roll a ball, cut into 2 equal sizes. this will become the ears
roll a sausage
press them flat, remove the ends. Mine were too long
yay wedge tool again. Make a line which is widening down
and the other ear, of course
roll some white fondant and cut two same pieces
we are going to glue these into the indents
here we are- lightly press them in
shape them as it gets squased the white strips
make your holes
place your ears. You might need to play here a little until you find position you happy with. Let them set a bit
but i amimpatient! so i made the hair while ears were setting a bit. roll white piece and then usingyour shell toll mark it
attach to the head. carefull not to knock the ears lol. that if you can't wait as well lol
aha! we are going to do some painting black extra and vodka mix.Use very fine brush
paint your eyes see my ears are still drying lol
using White paste or those white paste bottles(squires kitchen Edelweiss in my case) do couple of dots once your black is dry
29.03.2013, 16:35
Регистрация: 05.03.2013
Сообщений: 698
paint a line over the black eye
do the eyelashes. I really don't like this bit lol
sugarflair baby blue and vodka mix.Useanother fine brush
paint the blue around the black
draw the blue around the black and then do the eyebrows
pink dust colour for the cheeks
circular movements and dust lightsly. Dust inside the mouth as well.
ahh legs! roll two balls the same size
flatten them
flatten the balls and then pinch top down at one end
Cut the paws
define the crease
do the other one the same way
glue one leg
add the other one
roll 2 sausages fromyour balls and flatten a bit we are doing the hands
Indent the paws. I again use myknife and the wedge toll
attach to the body
I was not happy with the eyebrows so i ''deleted'' them lol
use a clean brush and vodka. Brush the eyebrow. wipe brush on tissue, dip in vodka, brush, wipe...
paint again
roll a ball of white fondant and then punch it. Take it all out on the tail lol
well, at least I did x
attach to the body
Tada here is your bunny
Have i missed anything? if so then ask away xxx
hope you enjoyed this short tutorial
thank you xx
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