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МК теневой цветок из пластики в технике "колбаса" -Shady Flower Cane tutorial

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Старый 02.08.2012, 10:38
Регистрация: 07.09.2010
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По умолчанию МК теневой цветок из пластики в технике "колбаса" -Shady Flower Cane tutorial

Огромная благодарность Автору Naama Zamir за Мастер-класс

  • Two contrasting colors of clay (I'm using Purple and White)
  • A third color clay complimentary to the main colors (I'm using Turquoise)
  • Pasta Machine
  • Tissue Blade or other cutting blade
  • Ruler

Название: shady_flower1a.jpg
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Размер: 18.7 Кб
Step 1: I'm using Purple and White to make my cane, but you can choose any two complimentary colors. Start by making a Skinner Blend.
Название: shady_flower2a.jpg
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Step 2: After the Skinner Blend is finished, fold it in thirds (as in steps 25-27 of Leigh's lesson) and pass it through the pasta machine on the thickest setting in a direction like shown in the picture. The final result will be a long, thin strip going from white on one side to purple on the other.
Название: shady_flower3a.jpg
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Размер: 24.4 Кб
Step 3: Fold the strip on itself like an accordion to make a loaf.
Название: shady_flower4a.jpg
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Step 4: Cut the block into three equal pieces as shown.
Название: shady_flower5a.jpg
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Step 5: Pinch the ends of the pieces together, and work the pieces to form the shapes as shown.
Название: shady_flower6a.jpg
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Step 6: Turn one piece so the white point faces you. Take the second piece in the opposite direction (purple end facing you) and attach purple point from the second piece to the white point of the first. Gently form the second piece to the first until the other two points meet, as in the right side of the next picture.
Название: shady_flower7a.jpg
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Step 7: Repeat the same action on the other side with the remaining piece. Now squeeze it to form a round cane
Название: shady_flower8a.jpg
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Step 8: Now put your third color (turquoise in my example) through your pasta machine at #4, and cut a sheet and wrap the cane as shown.
Название: shady_flower9a.jpg
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Размер: 17.9 Кб
Step 9: Reduce the cane until it is 20cm long (approximately 8" - click picture for a larger view). Mark and cut the cane into 5 equal parts.
Название: shady_flower10a.jpg
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Размер: 26.3 Кб
Step 10: Pinch each piece to form the 5 shapes as shown in the photo. These will be the petals of your flower.
Название: shady_flower11a.jpg
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Step 11: Join all the pieces together to form the flower. If there is a gap in the center, fill it with a little snake of contrasting color (here I filled it with green clay that I had laying around the table).
Название: shady_flower12a.jpg
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Step 12: Now fill in the gaps between the petals using your translucent clay (I'm using Premo Frost). Be careful to maintain the spacing of the petals.
Название: shady_flower13a.jpg
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Step 13: Here is the completed cane before reducing.
Название: shady_flower14a.jpg
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Step 14: And after reducing and cut in half.
Название: shady_flower15a.jpg
Просмотров: 0

Размер: 24.6 Кб
Step 15: Lastly, cut and reduce the canes into various sizes as you wish. Enjoy!
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